Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's Pretty Sick How Easy It Is To Create Beats With DubTurbo

Want to see more...check it out here

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dub Turbo – Your Solution To Making Pro Beats Online!

If you are interested in making beats online and I am sure you are if you are at this blog, then you have probably already heard of Dub Turbo by now.

It is causing quite a stir because it is the first DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to be released with every feature that a fully functioning recording studio has and at a mere fraction of the price.

Although I wanted to write up a blog post and tell you all what the best thing about Dub Turbo was for me!
So what is it?

The quality!

If you have a look about online you can see other programs such as Fruity Loops or Cubase to name a few and these are all very good, but when you start using them you quickly find that if you are a beginner at making rap beats then you will find it a struggle.

Yes the quality of the beats are good, but as I say when you are starting out it can be difficult to make any really good sounds until you do some swatting up on music production.

So this is where Dub Turbo comes in!

It gives you a fully functioning recording studio and all the features, keyboard, drum kit, wave editor and you can even burn your new creations onto CD!

Although the thing that impressed me was the speed in which you could get your music created and out there with it sounding awesome!

All the sound samples that it uses were recorded in a REAL recording studio and that is what will give your beats that “EDGE”.

The other cool thing is that although it has all of those features it is not very complex at all!

You can get up and running and get an awesome beat out there in just 10 mins!

Check out Dub Turbo today and start making some classy beats with ease >> Check it out here!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Make Beats – Want To Make Rap And Hip Hop Music Like The Chart Toppers? Read On!

How To Make Beats – Want To Make Rap And Hip Hop Music Like The Chart Toppers? Read On

Want to Know how you can quickly and easily get started making some beats on your computer?  If you have done any searching on how to make rap and hip hop then you know, that there is not really a step by step guide on how to get started.

This is because mostly to make the sort of beats that you hear in your favorite tunes you would need a recording studio to get the same kind of quality.

This is where you can run into problems, as who has the money and time to learn all about music production then it could be the start of your new favorite hobby, however sadly a lot of us are not in that position.

Which leads us to the question: “How can I get started making rap beats fast?”

Well you may be in luck as there is a new software package that is taking the web by storm!

It is called Dub Turbo and the reason that it is proving so popular is because it’s a complete solution to start making your own beats from home with ease!

If you think of other products on the market for instance you have Cubase, Fruity Loops which are good desktop music studios they will cost you an arm and a leg and you need to know about music production to even get a tune out of them!

Dub Turbo is the first DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that sites on your desktop and gives you all the functionality of a real recording studio!

You can also make any sort of music that you want!

You can make rap or hip hop, dance music, R&B, drum and bass the possibilities are endless!

Make your first studio quality beat in less than 30 minutes...check it out here!!